Physical education helps develop pupil’s competence and confidence alongside their ability to perform a wide range of activities. It allows them to expand on physical skilfulness and development and gives them the understanding of the body in action. At Hammond Junior School we aim to develop the knowledge, skills, and capabilities for mental, emotional, social, and physical wellbeing for all pupils both now and in the future. Physical education provides opportunities to be creative, competitive and allows children to work both individually and in a team environment.
Pupils learn how to think in different ways to suit a wide variety of creative, competitive, and challenging activities. They learn how to plan, perform and evaluate actions, ideas, and performances to improve their quality and effectiveness. Through this process pupils discover their aptitudes, abilities, and preferences, and make choices about how to get involved in lifelong physical activity.
Physical education promotes a positive attitude towards active and healthy lifestyles. It not only improves health but can reduce stress levels, improve concentration, and promote correct physical growth and development. Exercise has a positive influence on academic achievement, emotional stability and communication and interaction with others and therefore both children and staff should know the importance of physical education. The activities provided in physical education are designed to be enjoyable, purposeful, and energetic. Providing positive experiences for the pupils can lead to a lifelong interest in physical activity which can promote positive attitudes towards healthy lifestyles.

At Hammond Junior School it is our intent to teach the children life skills that will positively impact on their future and to demonstrate how physical education plays a vital role in the development of children. Physical education teaches you self-discipline and resilience and allows children to understand that to be successful you have to work hard and have a determination to believe that anything can be achieved. It is our intent at Hammond Junior School to teach the children life skills that will positively impact on their future and to demonstrate how Physical Education plays a vital part in the development of the whole child. We provide a safe and supportive environment for children to flourish in a range of different physical activities and encourage their physical, emotional, social, and moral development. Competitions are used across schools which allow children to compete individually and as part of a team, allowing the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills. No child is left behind and all children are involved in competitions, inspiring them to develop their skills and showcase their talents.
The aims of our PE curriculum at Hammond Junior School are:
To provide learning situations in which all pupils can develop their physical abilities to the full.
To help children acquire and develop skills, performing with increasing physical competence and confidence in a range of physical activities and contexts.
To provide stimulating and challenging opportunities that help to promote physical development such as cardio-vascular health, flexibility, muscular strength, and endurance.
To enable pupils to understand the importance of physical education and how this relates to living a healthy lifestyle through the knowledge of understanding fitness and health and the importance of eating sensibly and exercising regularly.
To allow pupils to have positive attitudes towards participation in physical activity.
To provide safe learning environments for physical education where all children feel comfortable and understanding the need for safety.
To allow pupils to have opportunities to become aware and conform to the principles of fair play through demonstrating good sporting behaviours.
To promote equal opportunities for all pupils irrespective of gender, age, ability, and social/cultural background.
To develop links between physical education and other aspects of the wider curriculum.
To give the children way to solve problem and find alternative solutions to physical challenges through working individually and in groups.
To learn to select and apply skills, tactics and compositional ideas to suit activities that need different approaches and ways of tactical thinking.
For pupils to select and set targets for themselves and compete again others both individually and as a member of a team acknowledging good sportsmanship.
To understand how to be able to preserve, succeed and acknowledge other pupils’ successes.
For children to take initiative, lead activities and focus on improving aspects of their own performances.
For children to feel proud of their accomplishments in physical education.
To be given a firm foundation for lifelong participation in sporting activity.
Physical education at Hammond Junior School is taught twice a week through high quality discrete lessons taught by class teachers covering two different sporting disciplines every half term. Our PE curriculum is varied, and we have developed long term plans to ensure that all national curriculum objectives are covered. Our aim in physical education and sport is to teach our pupils new skills whilst allowing them to improve in a safe and stimulating environment. Through providing a wide variety of sporting opportunities throughout the school both on and off site, our pupils will become healthy and active young individuals who are ready for the next stages of their lives.
In Key stage 2 pupils should implement and develop a broader range of skills and should be able to demonstrate these in different ways whilst creating links to actions and sequences of movement. Pupils should enjoy communicating, collaborating, and competing. Pupils should show an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and should learn how to evaluate, recognise, and celebrate their own successes. PE in each year group is sequenced precisely to ensure the progression of knowledge and skills and to ensure that children have the opportunity to experience a wide range of sports during their time in Primary Education.
At Hammond Junior School we offer a wide range of before and after school sports clubs for children in all year groups. These activities include dance, football, basketball, and rugby. In the summer term pupils will have the opportunity to experience a variety of different sporting events and activities including sports day.
We strive to allow all pupils to have the opportunity to compete internally (inter-house) and externally with other schools (inter-school) throughout the school year to instil core values of PRIDE: positivity, respect, inclusion, dedication, and enthusiasm, whilst giving them the chance to learn and understand good sportsmanship. In our school, we celebrate our competitions as being inclusive and we ensure that all children are involved.
Physical Education is fundamental in developing healthy lifestyles in young people and we are passionate about providing children with a wide range of opportunities to develop this. We recognise the importance of being physically active throughout the day to reduce sedentary learning. This is achieved in school by having active breaks and lunch times and by integrating ‘active learning’ where possible. Break and lunch times are very important, and we have a range of playground equipment to support children in being active, healthy, happy, and ready to learn when they return to the classroom.
At Hammond Junior School we continue to increase the inclusivity through our PE curriculum and sports to reflect the needs of all our children throughout the school.
Throughout PE at Hammond pupils should be taught to:
Use running, jumping, catching, and throwing in isolation and combination.
Play competitive games, modified where appropriate, which utilise the same skills needed in other sports such as basketball, cricket, football, netball, rounders, and tennis and be able to apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending.
Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control, and balance for example through athletics, gymnastics, and dance.
Perform dances using a range of movement patterns and techniques.
Take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both within a team and individually developing good sportsmanship and respect.
Compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve and celebrate personal best.
PE is taught as a basis for lifelong learning where children will have access to a wide range of activities and sports in the belief that if it is taught well and children are allowed to succeed, then they will continue to have a physically active life. At Hammond Junior School we help to motivate the children to participate in a variety of sports through quality teaching that is both engaging and fun. From PE lessons the children will learn to take responsibility for their own health and fitness learning the importance of taking care of their bodies. This in turn will hopefully allow them to grow up to live a happy and healthy lifestyle using the skills and knowledge that they have acquired through PE lessons and sports. PE and sports also give the children the opportunity to compete in sports against other pupils and allows them to gain the understanding of the importance of teamwork, sportsmanship, and respect towards others.
What the children say:
"What I like the most about PE is how the teachers are really nice and kind. I love when we did gymnastics because I am very flexible and we got to make up some fun routines! I like doing indoor athletics and my favourite part is when we do the speed bounce. I also love tag rugby because we get to play tail tag and it is so much fun!" Year 3 pupil
"I like PE because we can learn new skills and sports and I like doing PE outside because we get to have some fresh air and play lots of fun games." Year 3 pupil
"I like PE because we get lots of exercise and we get to play lots of fun games. I also like PE because we get to learn lots of new things and try lots of new sports!" Year 3 pupil
"I really like PE because you get a lot of time working on what we are focusing on. I like the clubs that are offered because you get to do new things and work with my friends when I’m there. I do basketball and athletics and have done some cross country matches and the feeling is great when I won!" Year 4 pupil
"I love PE because it is a lesson where everybody can do it altogether and we get to have fun with our friends. We get to learn many different sports like football, netball, tennis, rounders, and basketball. There are various different things that I have done to represent the school for our sports teams such as cross country and football and I can’t wait to join the new athletics club. There are fun netball matches and tournaments too that I know my sister enjoyed. I think PE brings our community together and that’s why I love PE at Hammond." Year 4 pupil
"I love sports and PE because it is my favourite thing to do. It allows me to express my feelings in other ways through sport and exercise. My favourite sport is football and it’s great because there is a girl’s football team, and we can play it in PE lessons." Year 5 pupil
"I love PE because I love playing football. I have taken part in the girl’s football tournament representing Hammond and it was amazing and I scored two goals! Doing sport at school made me realise how much I love it and now I play for a football team outside of school too! I love PE, it is my favourite lesson!" Year 5 pupil
"I love our schools PE because it is a great way to get some exercise and learn more about sports. Currently in year 6 we are doing indoor athletics which includes jumping and we are also doing gymnastics. Our PE teacher and class teacher help with a lot of encouragement and if you are finding something difficult, they are always there to help!" Year 6 pupil
"PE at Hammond is amazing! All coaches and teachers are fun, supportive, and friendly. They help to boost your confidence and show the real sporty side of you! The lessons we learn are a real mix, whether it’s gymnastics or rugby they are always filled with fun! Hammond offers a HUGE variety of sports; cricket, basketball, football, rugby, street-dance, cross-country, athletics, taekwondo, and judo – there is so much to choose from! School tournaments happen for so many of these sports and its so much fun! So far at my time at Hammond I have represented the school so many times and have made it to the girl’s football county finals where we came 4th out of 200! This was something we were all very proud of!" Year 6 pupil
Lead: Miss Kristen Roche