As you will be aware, the school and HSA are working together to organise an online auction of goods and promises which has gone live today and ends on Tuesday 5th December!
All of the money raised will go towards the school’s Library Project. The library and reading is a huge strength at Hammond. Our plan is to use the funds raised to purchase new books and enhance our library area.
We are still asking parents and carers to consider donating goods and promises. Where possible, we would love for you to explore opportunities through your work and personal lives to offer goods and promises. Items including vouchers, health and beauty experiences, rounds of golf* and cinema tickets always prove very popular.
*Most golf courses are only willing to provide vouchers through existing members.
We really hope this will be an exciting project which will make a huge difference and help with a little bit of Christmas shopping!
If you are able to contribute or have any further questions then please email David Gunning directly
Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to updating you on our progress!