Year 6 News
Year 6 had a fabulous time on World Book Day last week, it was great seeing all of the fabulous costumes!
This week we have enjoyed a trip to Collingwood to see their production of Footloose (we are looking forward to the summer term when we get to star in our own production!) and an exciting egg drop challenge for outdoor learning day/science week.
In maths, we have been learning about percentages and have started our learning on ratio. In Wider Curriculum we have been learning about the golden age of Islam, The House of Wisdom and the art of this ancient civilisation. In English, we have started planning our twisted fairy tales using archaic language and ambitious punctuation to vary our sentence structures. In PE, we are enjoying both dance and tennis lessons.
Year 6 are having great fun building a platform multi-level game of Dodgeball in Scratch. This is a big challenge and a really exciting coding task. The aim of the game is for the main character sprite to run along the blue platforms and up the pink ladders whilst dodging the rolling obstacles by jumping over them. There is also a disappearing platform that you have to avoid falling through and a laser that turns on and off intermittently. If you are hit by one of the rolling obstacles or the laser you loose a life and respawn at the start. If you reach the green door on the top level you move on to level 2 and gain a life.
Again, the children utilise all their skills in sequencing, selection and repetition to code this game. They will also need to set up and use variables to keep track of the lives, the jump height and gravity so that the main character has the ability to jump and fall back to the blue platform. Coordinates are used heavily throughout the game to make the obstacles roll along the platforms and this is a key area where they need to pay attention to detail and put there testing and debugging skills into practice. It is really exciting watching them all persevere and have success with this coding task and it is fantastic to see their progression with coding over the last 4 years.